After not placing in her first few shows, Meghan Spears hired a good coach and took 3rd and 2nd in her next two. That is obvious improvement, which is all you can ask for. As she continues to improve and get better I think we can expect to see some 1st places next to her name in the very near future. Here is my interview with Meghan Spears
Q: First Meghan thanks for taking the time to do this.
Q: Can you start out by telling a little about yourself?
A: My name is Meghan Spears and I grew up in Northwest Iowa. I have two younger sisters. My family is the most important thing to me. They are my rock.
Q: Before the gym were you an especially athletic person? Play any sports?
A: My athletic career started before I even began competing. I ran track and cross country! Loved every second of my 400 meter race! Played softball and basketball also, but my love was track.
Q: What initially led you int the gym?
A: I initially came to the gym after I tore my right hip flexor. I started lifting weights to strengthen my body after the injury.
Q: Was training something you picked up fairly easy? How long before you started to see results?
A: I started seeing results quickly, and once I got the form down the weight came fast.
Q: What made you decide to compete for the first time?
A: I first decided to compete after my ex boyfriend’s brother competed. It looked like a blast.
Q: Was competing something your family and friends supported at the time?
A: My family was a little hesitant about the whole deal. It was a little less conservative than they were used too. My ex was supportive to a extent. He pushed me in the gym, but not in the diet.
Q: Was competing what you expected or did anything surprise you about it?
A: Competing was nothing like I expected. I thought I’d do it once and be done. The hardest part was getting painted!! However once I got on stage and did my walk I loved it!!

Q: Can you share your contest history.
A: I have competed in seven shows. My last two were with a coach and I placed 3rd and 2nd. Prior to working with someone I never placed. I have a show coming up May 8th. I WILL win it. :-)
Q: What would you say is your best body part?
A: With my body my best asset are my legs.
Q: DO you have a favorite part to train?
A: Legs are my favorite to train. My second favorite to train is my back.
Q: What is your normal training routine and diet like and how do you alter it for contest prep?
A: I am normally a 6day trainer I like to stay trim, but during prep the intensity ramps up dramatically. My diet is clean with a few beers and pizza mixed in. I’m addicted to diet dew!! During prep I am by the book.
Q: When someone sees or hears you compete for the first time, whats the normal reaction?
A: When someone asks about me competing they are normally surprised. They think everyone who competes looks like Ronny Coleman. After a quick explanation they understand and think it is very cool.

Q: When they see or hear it that first time, whats the one question or comment you are most sick of hearing?
A: The question I am sick of hearing is “why do you do it?”
Q: What is the biggest misconception about women who train or compete?
A: The biggest misconception or issue that I face is when people ask why I do it. They ask what your significant other thinks about you doing it; some people hope it is a phase for me. It is not I will still do this after I have kids.
Q: What is the best and worst part of competing?
A: They best part about competing is being on stage and being free! The worst part is still getting painted. The spray tan is the best option, but still cold!!
Q: Do you have any favorite competitors?
A: My favorite competitor is Ava Cowen! She is stunning.
Q: Do you have a favorite cheat food?
A: My favorite cheat foods are a cheeseburger and a beer!
Q: If another woman told you she wanted to start training, what is the one piece of advice you would most want to give her?
A: If another woman told me she wanted to compete I would tell her to do some research prior to just going for it. It is not a hobby it is a lifestyle, and you have to be ready for the change!
Q: Do you think more women are starting to train as hard as men?
A: When I train I do train harder than some men. I love it, and it gives me a sense of power. To be able to lift heavy and smile is a great accomplishment.
Q: Outside of training, any other hobbies or activities you enjoy?
A: Outside of the gym my favorite things to do are to be outside. I love fishing, camping, lying on the beach, and just having fun. Life is too short to be bored.
Q: Can you describe a typical day in the life of Meghan Spears.
A: A typical day in my life is am cardio, work 8-12 hours, pm lifting and then relaxing on the couch.
Q: Describe Meghan Spears in five words.
A: To describe myself in five words they would be: stubborn, driven, open, loving, and able.
Q: What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?
A: One thing people would be surprised about me would be that I am the first one to go to college in my family.
Q: Any set plans for the future as far as competing or anything?
A: My plans for future are to win my next show and buy a motorcycle after.
Q: Anything you want to take this time to plug or promote?
A: I would like to promote Pro Body Solutions my coach and friends. Love them!!

Q: Are you looking for sponsors?
A: As of now I would love sponsors! They can call 712-260-0368 or email meghan.m.spears@gmail.com .
Q: Meghan thanks so much for doing this. Any last words before you go?
A: My last words are “do what scares you till you are afraid no more!” Life is too short to sit on the sidelines.
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