My first interview with Alexis Weiner got a lot of positive feedback, so when I got a chance to interview her again I jumped at the chance. The reason for that positive feedback is easy to understand. She is beautiful, brings a great physique, is very personable, and in a short time has really made an impression. Alexis is someone I fully expect to keep improving and really make a big name for herself in the fitness industry.

Q: Alexis thanks for taking the time to do another interview
A: My pleasure!
Q: For those not familiar can you tell a little about yourself.
A: I have been involved in fitness my entire life. I was a competitive gymnast for 10 years and have continued to incorporate fitness into my life to this day. It wasn’t until mid 2010 when I started competing in the bodybuilding arena. (NPC Bikini)
Q: Can you update people on whats been going on with you since our last interview, on and off the stage.
A: Since my last interview, a few things have changed. I switched up my trainer to Aaron Singerman, who Co-Hosts Heavy Muscle Radio for RXMuscle.com with Dave Palumbo. He has been a HUGE help and an AMAZING trainer. Also, I placed 2nd In Bikini A at NPC Nationals in October. Lastly, I made a career change from the Wine Industry into the Pharmaceutical Sales Industry and will start my new career in January. I believe this career will make contest prep much more convenient!
Q: Have you been watching any of the competitions lately? Anyone impress you?
A: The only competition that I saw in person was the one here in Arizona in November. A friend and fellow competitor, Dawn Fernandez (with Bombshells) made her debut into Figure from Bikini and won her division as well as the overall. I was very proud of her! Also, I have followed the pro competitions online and Amanda Latona always continues to impress me with her physique. I also really like Justine Munro, I haven’t seen much of her, but she has an amazing physique and is beautiful.
Q: On a scale of 1-10, what would you rate this year for you as far as competing and why?
A: I would rate this year as a 9. I feel as though I made significant improvements from one competition to the next and feel very ready to go and get that pro card in 2011. I placed 3rd in my Regional show, 1st at Jr Usa’s in my height class and 2nd in my height class at Nationals. I am very happy with my placings, I have worked very hard and I cannot wait to bring an even better package next year! I also have met so many wonderful people from all over and have made some great friendships with fellow competitors and others within the fitness industry.

Q: Have you noticed any one part of your physique that you really improved on in 2010?.
A: I have noticed that I have leaned out all over. From JR USA’s to nationals I have really leaned out my legs and my waist. I started to lift heavier and change up my routine and noticed quite a difference that it made in my physique.
Q: Heading to 2011, what do you want to improve on?
A: I would like to come in a little bit tighter overall, but I was pretty happy with my physique at my last competition. I will work on improving upon my stage presence and really making the stage mine! I am also very excited to have a suit sponsor AdellAdell Bodies and I know that they will make the PERFECT suit to make me shine!
Q: You also do fitness modeling. Is there one you prefer between competing and modeling?
A: I like both competing and modeling. Competing gives you that rush when you are are on stage and allows you to show all the hard work that you put in the previous weeks. You also meet so many amazing people! Fitness modeling is fun because it allows for creativity for both you and the photographers. Also, it is very neat when you see yourself in print!
Q: As far as the fitness industry, are there any changes you would like to see made?
A: I think that some of the judging (especially in the bikini category) is all over the map. Sometimes, we are not quite sure what they are looking for because class winners will vary completely in physique. A more clear cut guideline of what the judges are looking for would be nice.
Q: Depending on who you talk to, some think women in the industry are getting more respect, then others say less. Which side do you fall on?
A: I have not been in the industry very long (less than a year) so I do not have a lot of insight on this topic. I would say that Bikini girls sometimes do not get the respect that they deserve. I train like a body builder and bust my butt in the gym. Sometimes people think that Bikini competitors do not do much to prepare for getting on stage, but that is definitely not the case.

QL Do you get a lot of people asking for diet and training advice? If so, whats the most typical type of question>
A: I do get a ton of people asking for diet and training advice. I am no expert but I do try to answer people’s questions to the best of my ability. I get a lot of how do I tone my abs or how do I tone this or that. I always stress how important diet is and how important it is to incorporate weight training into your routine. I also personally think it is best to enlist the help of a trainer to help get started because it makes it all much easier to have someone to help you. I am quite the advocate of the saying “abs are made in the kitchen” I rarely do ab exercises but I get a ton of questions asking how to get my abs the way that they are: DIET!
Q: Can you give people an idea of what your typical training routine and diet are like.
A: My diet is very different on and off season, however I try to eat clean most of the time. By this I mean I try to stay away from sugar, bad carbs, alcohol, saturated and trans fats...however I am a firm believer in treating yourself to things every now and then. I try to eat 5-6 small meals that contain correct portions of protein, carbs, veggies and healthy fats. As far as training goes, I usually do a 4 or 5 day split with weights with 2 rest days. Off season, I do about 30 minutes of cardio 5 days a week. During competition prep, my cardio can go anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours depending upon many different things.
Q: What is your favorite healthy meal and favorite cheat meal?
A: My favorite healthy meal is my homemade extra lean turkey and vegetable Chili. It actually does taste like you are cheating! I also like anything with eggs in it such as protein pancakes and frittatas. My favorite cheat meal is frozen yogurt with all sorts of yummy toppings on it and chili cheese fries.

Q: What body part do you most enjoy training and why?
A: I like to train shoulders and legs (especially glutes). I like to train my shoulders because I think nice shoulders give a really good shape to the upper body. I like to train my glutes because they are one of my best features and why not make them even better!
Q: Which do you least enjoy training and why?
A: I can honestly say that I like training everything. I look forward to doing weights in the gym...sometimes cardio is the hard part for me! It is funny because it used to be the other way around.
Q: When it comes time for off season, how long do you consider your off season, and how far over contest weight do you like to go?
A: This year my off season will be from November until February. I will start training again at the end of February for a competition at the end of May. I still try to maintain a somewhat clean diet but allow myself indulgences if I want them. I try not to vary too much from contest weight, probably about 5-10 lbs.
Q: Do you prefer training alone or with a partner and why?
A: I usually train alone, however I don’t mind having someone there every once and a while. I like to get into the gym and get it done and get out of there since I am quite a busy lady! Fortunately, I am quite self motivated so I do not need someone there to push me, however if I need a spot on something I will ask someone at the gym for help.
Q: Usually I ask what the biggest misconception about competitors is. This time I will ask what the biggest misconception about you is?
A: The biggest misconception about me would probably be how I train and how strong I am. I train like a bodybuilder and am very strong, but still have lean feminine “Bikini girl” muscles
Q: What would you say is your biggest achievement so far in the fitness industry?
A: I definitely think that I have come a long way since I started training last February. I have completely changed my body, the way I live, my attitude and my outlook on life, all for the positive. I am very pleased with my placing of 2nd at nationals and I am really excited to see what 2011 has in store for me!
Q: What is a typical day like for you?
A: Well I am starting a new job as a specialty pharmaceutical rep selling to dermatologists in January so things are going to change with my career change. I am thinking, wake up, possibly workout, complete my work day and stick in a workout afterwards if I missed it beforehand. Of course, during competition prep, my days change even more. On the weekends I like to do stuff with friends, be outdoors, hike, shop, etc!
Q: Finish this sentence. In five years I will be____.
A: In five years I will be 31…oh goodness! Hopefully well into my career in the medical industry, established in the fitness industry and who knows what else can happen in 5 years. I take each day as it comes!
Q: Anything else you want to plug or promote?
A: I am very excited to sport a new Beautiful bikini in my next competition made by AdellAdell Bodie’s because they are my new suit sponsor. Also, please add my fitness fan page on facebook and my bodybuilding bodyspace.
Q: Looking for sponsors? If so how can they reach you and what do they get in sponsoring you as an athlete?
A: Yes I am looking for sponsors. I currently have a suit sponsor, but would love to work with a supplement company. It would be an honor to work with one in conjunction with my 2011 prep! I am available and able to work demos at the big competitions and around Arizona.

Q: Alexis, again, thanks so much for doing this. Any last words before you go?
A: Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share my story! And look out for me in 2011…I am hoping for big things!!
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