This is a very special interview for me. No secret what I think of Lacey Schuckman. I have interviewed her before, I have her write for me. I think the world of her, both as a fighter and a person. So it makes me very excited to have an interview with her about her recent title win over a very talented Diana Rael. This is step one on a road to bigger and bigger things for Lacey. Lacey can go as far in this sport as she wants. She comes from a great camp run by her husband Randall, she loves the sport, and she is always improving. As she says in the interview "Lacey Schuckman is no stepping stone", that is true, in fact more and more you are going to see Lacey doing the stepping.

Q: First, Lacey I want to thank you for taking the time to do another interview.
A: Thanks for interviewing me again! Always a pleasure!
Q: For those who missed your first interview can you start out by telling a little about yourself.
A: I am 22 years old. Born and raised in Colorado. I train at The S.H.O.P. with Team Rugburn. My husband Randall is an amateur MMA fighter as well as my coach. We train 5-6 days a week about 30+ hours a week. We do Muay Thai, Wrestling, Boxing, Strength and Conditioning, and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in which we have our blue belts from Rex Payne. We also raise Pitbulls and fight against breed specific legislation. God is #1 in my life, through him I am blessed enough to do all that I get to do!
Q: I must say congrats on your Victory on January 21st for RMBB "Bad Girlz Gone Wild". A first round submission by rear naked choke over a very tough fighter named Diana Rael.
A: Thank you very much! It was a very hard training camp and it truly paid off!
Q: Was their anything that made you think that choke would be available to you in the fight?
A: I didn't I was actually totally prepared to stand and bang with Diana but I took what presented itself.
Q: What did you know about Diana as far as her style and what her strengths are?
A: I know that she has pretty exceptional Muay Thai, especially her clinch. I know that she has been cross training a lot and has been working her ground with The Pangsuko Fight Team out in Scotts Bluff. So I expected her to be pretty well rounded for this fight but definitely more of a striker.
Q: Did she fight as you expected?
A: Not at all I thought she would come out totally aggressive and bully right into clinch. She was very patient and was looking to really pick her shots. I really like fighting that type of opponent because I feel it brings out the best, most technical fights.

Q: When you first got the choke, did you know you had her right away?
A: I didn't. I thought I would just mount her and start working ground and pound or maybe bring it back to standing but when she rolled the first time, my hooks just flowed right into place. That made me more confident to ride it out and work for the choke. A few times she rolled back to being mounted. When she rolled back over and I actually started working the choke I knew I had very little time to finish it if I didn't want to go to a second round and I got a rush of confidence and just worked to finish it. By the time she tapped I had let go of my neck and thought I was going to have to work back to mount.
Q: Is there anything you can learn from this fight about yourself?
A: I ALWAYS learn about myself from every fight and every training camp! This one taught me so much discipline in my training and conditioning. I pushed myself in ways I never have. As far as the fight, I learned that the next one will not be same. Every fight will continue to get tougher and more challenging.
Q: Where would you rank this fight on your list of accomplishments?
A: I would have to say #1! Like I said before I pushed myself so hard! I ran in blizzards for miles. Sure runnings great but it was the mental strength I gained that really brought this one home for me. I was so in tune with God for this fight, my training was so intense, and I cut weight properly (even during the holidays). Everything was just right for this fight! I am so humbled by this whole camp and fight!
Q: What did you think of her over all as a fighter?
A: I think that she was ready for this fight but I think it was just my night. I've seen her ability in other fights and she's great. I think I just took her out of her element and it proved to be victorious for me. I think she will do nothing but become even better from this fight and I'm sure we will meet again!

Q: What did you think of the RMBB people?
A: I love Keith and all the Rocky Mountain Bad Boyz crew! They are like family and treat the fighters as they deserve to be treated.
Q: How long after a fight do you like to take off before getting back into training hard?
A: I only take a week off. I mainly took this week off to get fat and eat a lot because I am preparing to drop to 105lbs. and the discipline is so tough!!!
Q: Your husband Randall is also your trainer. DO you think it is a positive for you to have someone who cares so much for you guiding you?
A: Definitely because my success is his success, and my failure is his failure. When it's him or me in that cage no matter what we are both in there. We are so intune to each other it helps in cornering tremendously!
Q: Is it hard on him at all to watch you fight and get hit?
A: No I'm his fighter when I'm in there. There is no emotion just work to be done.
Q: How important is support from family and friends when getting ready to fight?
A: I am very reserved when I have fights. I really don't go out or talk on the phone. I love my family to be there for the fight and support me and be there for me win or lose. I know up to the fight my family is always praying and thinking positive for me but I am a bit of a recluse from them pre fight.
Q: I often ask what is the biggest misconception people have about female fighters. This time I will ask, what is the biggest misconception people have about Lacey Schuckman?
A: That I am a stepping stone! It's a big deal to beat "Lacey Schuckman" and move on to bigger shows and paydays but yet I don't get any recognition for being Lacey Schuckman. Then when I do well all the best think I want to step right up and fight them. I am a baby in MMA and am looking to evolve with the sport as a grow my challenges will too!
Q: Finish this sentence. In five years Lacey Schuckman ____.
A: Will be ranked in the top 3 Strawweights in the world!
Q: Anybody you want to thank for helping you get ready for the fight and supporting you?
A: My husband Randall of course. He pushed me beyond my beliefs for this fight! Team Rugburn, Corey, Kyle, Lisa, Kelly, and Justine you guys all rock!!! Slade and Tussle Fight Gear without his support as a sponsor and friend no way could I have made weight!
Q: So whats next for you? Any idea when you will be fighting again?
A: I have received a few offers but nothing set in stone right now. I also have some of my fighters debuting in the upcoming months so I want to have the right focus. I am determined to stay at 110 and lower after this last fight. It is my home for sure. I had a fight scheduled with Patricia Vidonic at 115lbs. February 26th for the IWC but after this past training camp, I need a break and I want to focus on losing the weight to get to 105lbs. I will definitely keep you posted though!
Q: Anything you want to take this time to plug or promote?
A: Hit up Tussle Fight Gear www.tusslefightgear.com also Fight Soap www.fight-soap.com and First String Athletics and Knuckle Up!!!

Q: Are you looking for sponsors? If so, how can they reach you and what are they getting in Lacey Schuckman the fighter and person?
A: ALWAYS!!! This is a tough sport to support yourself through and sponsors make it possible! Please email me at ladielacey@comcast.net or hit me up on Facebook.
Q: Lacey again, I want to thank you for doing this. You really are one of my favorite people in my favorite sport, and I know you have such a bright future. Any last words before you go?
A: Thanks for what you do for us girls Jason!
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