As I said in her first interview, Lisa Zisa, is that friend a lot of people have. You don't know them until a mutual friend introduces you to each other and somehow you click and become good friends with that person. No secret to anyone the respect I have for Ann and Jack Titone and the Jacked Up Divas. I went to the Arnold's, and one of the main reasons was to finally meet Jack and Ann and the Diva's. I had heard of Lisa, but knew little about her. I got to meet Lisa, and was blown away. She was beautiful and looked phenomenal, and was such a pleasure to talk to. Since then I have become such a big admirer of hers. In a short time she went from someone I had heard of to become one of my favorite people in the industry. There is so much to like. She is a really kind woman, a hard worker with total dedication, as I mentioned beautiful, and a great physique. Every time she is on stage she looks better than before, and her two recent shows, the NPC NC State and NPC Midwest she looked amazing, including winning her class at the Midwest. And I can hardly wait to see how great she will look at Team U. Here is my second interview with one of my real role models, Lisa Zisa

Q: Lisa, thanks for taking the time out to do a second interview.
A: Thank you Jason for your interest in me and my fellow peers!
Q: For those who may have missed the first interview, can you tell a little
about yourself.
A: I am a wife and mother. I am not working at this time but I am a vech tech and have owned my own business and have several pets most rescues
Q: Congrats are in order on two great showings in competitions since the last
interview. First lets talk about the NPC NC State. You took 2nd in Masters and
5th in Tall. How did you feel about the show and how you did there overall
A: I was very happy with my placings. It was a great show well run and everyone was very nice !
Q: After the show do you say " I am really happy with how I did" or is it more
"ok, what do I have to do to win this next one"?
A: No lol! I have a few areas I need to work on. I may have placed higher had I relaxed more. My stage fright kicked in. however it is getting better.

Q: From there you just did the NPC Midwest taking 2nd in Masters and 1st in Open
Tall. How did you feel about that show and your overall package?
A: I was alot more relaxed ! Fixed a couple posing issues that I am still working on! It was great having my fellow Diva's competing with me. I am still on cloud nine Winning my class in Open and 2nd in masters to the beautiful Ali Dies is an honor!
6. You looked amazing at both shows. Was there anything you though was improved
upon from he NC State to the Midwest?
A: Yes Jack did tweak a couple of things lol and my confidence/stage fright was a bit more under control having just competed 2 weeks earlier.
Q: What part of your physique would you say made the biggest improvements on for
these shows from last time you competed?
A: I came in a lil tighter and again the stage presence was more relaxed.
Q: Was there one aspect of your physique you thought could have been better or
you want to improve on for next time?
A: YES we are working on a few areas for Team U 10 weeks from now!

Q: Was your prep for these show any different than for past shows?
A: Oh my it sure is different. I have been working with Jack since Nov 1st and I feel and look so much different.
He knows what he is doing the best thing I did was signing with Jacked Up Divas!
Q: Is there a point in the prep process where you say "O.K. I am ready"?
A: Yes I am trying to remember when that clicked? I have been there for a long time. Don't get me wrong I do have days of self doubt , abnormal desire for peanut butter lol you get the idea.
Q: Anything about the prep process that you can say you want to do different
next time?
A: Well I am listening to my trainer! I did ask if peanut butter could be on the program! He hasn't gotten back to me on that one yet!
Q: After a show like these, is it a mental let down at all, after the shows are
A: I think there are some advantages of being older. Heck its about time! But I was and am aware of what can happen so I was already prepared. So far I am doing great might also be do to the fact that I am part of a team that I can reach out to and I am prepping for another show?
Q: The week before a show like that, what are you thinking about? Nervous or
excited, or what?
A: Yes I get the what am I thinking periods. Very excited I have learned that positive thinking does not mean I am being stuck up or full of myself and people that get shall we say for lack of better words ( jealous catty etc ) I tune them out ..
Q: How about those last 5 minutes before you hit the stage, what are you
thinking about?
A: Please don't wipe out in these heels
Q: When you are on stage do you try and read the judges reactions at all or
just focus on what you are doing?
A: I am focusing on what I need to do and trying to smile and look relaxed at the same time
Q: Whats the first thing you ate once the Midwest was over?
A: S pistascho home made cupcake made by Angela Kirkland .. OMG
Q: Was there any other competitors you noticed who really impressed you at
either show?
A: I did met a few gals at both shows that showed class and great sportsmanship. We tend to be in our own lil world backstage. I roomed with Ali Dies and wow what a generous beautiful person inside and out. And Sara also a fellow Diva what a beauty .. all the girls were very nice!

Q: Anyone you got to meet or see for the first time that you were excited about?
A: I did get to met Toney Freeman! Fine looking man lol Nicole guest fitness performer. Wow fitness girls rock !
Q: How important is support from family and friends at a show like this?
A: Very important
Q: Where would you rank these shows in your achievements in the sport?
A: The Midwest show will always be special for I won my first 1st place in open! With my trainer there I wanted to make him proud. And the show was so well run with great perks. People you should seriously make this show a must do next year.
Q: Have you decided when you will be on stage next?
A: I am prepping for Team Universe
Q: Anyone you want to thank for helping you in the process?
A: Jack and Ann Titone, my family , and my fellow divas for being supportive , Autumn, Brian, and Donna, and everyone that has been supportive !
Q: Anything you want to take this time to plug or promote?
A: Jacked Up Diva's, YOU Jason for highlighting and providing a forum for us, the Pump House gym.

Q: Looking for any sponsors? If so what are they getting in Lisa Zisa the athlete and competitor?
A: I would love to sponsor a product that I use and believe in. I would offer a venue for women over a certain age that can relate to me and women like me more so then a 20 year old. You are never to old to improve your health body and soul ..
Q: Lisa, you have become someone I have such respect for and really admire, and
I am so happy for you and how well you have been doing. Any last words before
you go?
A: Just a sincere thank you to all my friends new and old for supporting me while I pursue this new found passion .
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