Jessica Jordan is one of those women that when you first see her you see a beautiful woman and an amazing physique. I am happy to have done a second interview with her, because as beautiful as she may be and as great as the physique is, there is so much more to her that people should know about. She is a great trainer with her own training business, and has an obvious love for fitness that comes across just by reading her words. Jessica just took 3rd in a very competitive Figure class at the Emerald Cup. She looked amazing, and will continue to improve and look more amazing, which means look out for her at Nationals. I cant wait to see the package she brings to the stage there. Her is my interview done with Jessica shortly after the Emerald Cup

Q: Jessica, thanks for taking the time out to do a second interview.
A: No, problem thank you!
Q: For those who may have missed the first interview, can you tell a little about
A: Well I am an amateur/national level NPC Figure competitor, Aspiring Fitness Model, I run my own personal training business with my boyfriend OCTrainer.net in Orange County, CA. I love my job! I live with my boyfriend in Newport Beach, CA; we have two dogs and the rest of my family is within 10 miles of me! Life is good! I graduated from Cal State Long Beach in 2007 with my Degree in Kinesiology with an emphasis in Exercise Science. That is pretty much it!
Q: You just competed at and took 3rd in a tough Figure class at the Emerald Cup..
How did you feel about the show overall?
A: It was the BEST competition I have ever competed in and the largest. All the girls looked amazing! I couldn't have asked for a better preparation for Nationals. I am very pleased with my placing there!

Q: Do you walk away saying "I am happy with how I looked" or "O.K., what do I have to do to win next time?"
A: I was definitely happy with how I looked and the progress I have made at each show, thus far. However, I do know my weak areas and I will definitely be working on them before Nationals in October.
Q: After pre-judging how were you feeling about your chances?
A: I felt great, I knew I had placed either 2nd or 3rd, so I was feeling confident
about the whole experience.
Q: I saw photos and thought you looked amazing. Overall, were you satisfied with the
package you brought to the stage?
A: Very!! I had really improved on my posing from the last time I competed as well!
Practice, practice, practice! People don't realize HOW important posing is! It can make or break a physique.
Q: What part of your physique would you say made the biggest improvements from last
A: My legs and shoulders. I still have work to do on my shoulders, but they have
improved and my legs came down ALOT!
Q: Was there one aspect of your physique you thought could have been better or you
want to improve on for next time?
A: My shoulders and back (V-taper)

Q: Was your prep for this show any different than for past shows?
A: YES!!!!! I had such an amazing time this time around. The last shows were great, but this one blew the other preps out of the water. I used the amazing Kim Oddo. He is great and I recommend him!
Q: Is there a point in the prep process where you say "O.K. I am ready."
A: Yep, I say it almost everyday about 2 weeks prior to the show and then everyday I
wake up things get better and better! It is a great feeling!
Q: After a show like that, is it a mental let down at all, now that the process is
A: You know this is an interesting question because I have (in the past) felt this let down. You know you train and diet for so long and then it is just over. However, this time around I am even more motivated afterwards. Competing is all about the process and this time around I have really surrounded myself with some amazing people and an amazing coach.
Q: The week before a show like that, what are you thinking about? Nervous or
excited, or what?
A: A little bit of both excitement and nervousness. I am thinking about food for sure, but picturing myself on stage and mentally getting myself ready.

Q: How about those last 5 minutes before you hit the stage, what are you thinking
A: My poses and doing a little self-talk, to make sure I look calm and confident on
stage and then nerves start setting in here.
Q: When you are on stage do you try and read the judges reactions at all or just
focus on what you are doing?
A: This time around I was more comfortable on stage than ever before so I tried reading the judges a bit.
Q: Whats the first thing you ate once it was over?
A: After finals it was about 10:30pm, so the only thing open around my hotel was a
place that only had a late night menu available so we got a bunch of appetizers. Small pizzas, hummus and bread, spinach dip, chicken skewers, tri-tip pieces, and a chicken quesadilla. This was between 6 people though, not just me, haha! Oh and I had one cosmo and felt very tipsy from it.
Q: Was there any other competitors you noticed who really impressed you?
A: Yes, the girl who won my class Kiana Lewis, she looked great. Other than that all
the girls looked amazing!
Q: Anyone you got to meet or see for the first time that you were excited about?
A: No, I saw and said hello to Branch and Trish Warren, I have met them before. They
are awesome and very inspiring!
Q: Anything about the prep process that you can say you want to do different next
A: No, just during this off season I want to make the right improvements before I start the dieting process again.
Q: How important is support from family and friends at a show like this?
A: So, important and you don't realize it until the competition gets closer and closer and having positive support is amazing!
Q: Where would you rank this show in your achievements in the sport?
A: Number 1
Q: Have you decided when you will be on stage next?
A: Nationals in October

Q: Anyone you want to thank for helping you in the process?
A: Kim Oddo, Greg (my boyfriend), the Moo Nugget Team (all my friends and clients), my amazing family and my fellow Oddo's Angels.
Q: Anything you want to take this time to plug or promote?
A: My business www.OCTrainer.net, we offer semi-private and private personal training in Orange County, CA. Free Consults available! Also, my upcoming website promoting myself as a fitness model/competitor www.JessicaRyanJordan.com (Coming Soon)
Q: Looking for any sponsors? If so what are they getting in Jessica Jordan the
athlete and competitor?
A: ABSOLUTELY!!! I am a girl that gives everything in all I do. I work incredibly hard to achieve success. Health and fitness are my passion and I live and preach it every single day of my life.
Q: Jessica, again, congrats, you looked amazing. I was so impressed with how you
looked. Any last words before you go?
A: Thanks again for this opportunity and for promoting all of our hard work! It is very appreciated!
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