I do not remember the last time I was more impressed with the improvements someone made to their physique from one show to the next as I was when I saw how incredible Christine Mouser look at Jr. USA's. She looked leaner and added size where it needed to be added. To finish 4th place at Jr. USA's, with it being only her second show is also incredible. The sky is the limit as to how far Christine can go and I anxiously await seeing her grace a stage again as I know she will somehow look even more amazing next time.

Q: Christine, thanks for taking the time out to do this.
A: I am honored that you chose me to do this interview.
Q: For those who may may not be familiar, can you tell a little about yourself.
A: My name is Christine Mouser. I am 36 and have a wonderful, caring and supportive husband of 14 years and 3 kids. I am a HUGE animal lover and have my own mobile dog grooming business for over 10 years now. I grew up in gymnastics ( 12 years), and a diver in high-school. I have been lifting weights since I was 12. I started to train for he Ronnie Coleman 2010 in November 2009. I placed 1st in Masters and 2nd in my height class A. And now at my second competition I placed 4th in nationals, NPC Jr. USAs.
Q: I must say congrats on Jr. USA's. I thought you looked incredible.
A: Thank you! I am very pleased with 4th place. For just having competed 1 other time to place 4th in Nationals is pretty exciting to me.
Q: As a show itself what did you think of it?
A: Nationals just seemed like any other competition. All the women were all very nice and everyone looked awesome.
Q: How confident were you going in?
A: I try not to think of how I will do. I just tell myself to do my best and just see what the outcome I will get. Competing is still very new to me and is still a little intimidating. Everyone just looks so beautiful. I just do not know how the judges do it sometimes.

Q: After pre-judging how were you feeling about your chances?
A: I was feeling pretty good after prejudging. I was in the first call outs so I new that was good.
Q: How did you feel about the overall package your brought to the stage?
A: I felt confident with the package I brought. You just never know what the judges will be looking for.
Q: What part of your physique would you say was the one you have improved the most the last year?
A: I really improved on the definition in my legs and was alot leaner in this show.
Q: Was improving that a set goal of yours?
Q: Was there one aspect of your physique you thought could have been better or you wan to improve on?
A: I do not know. I feel that my back pose could have been better.

Q: Did your prep go as smoothly as hoped for?
A: Yes
Q: Is there a point in the prep process where you say "O.K. I am ready"?
A: That last week I was saying that I was ready and wanted it to be the weekend already.
Q: Anything about the prep process that you can say you want to do different next time?
A: I would say maybe to pose different.
Q: After a show like that, are you mentally drained at all?
A: Yes! I just wanted to sleep in for a week and not think about packing and planning my meals.
Q: The week before a show like that, what were you thinking about? Nervous or excited, or what?
A: I would be doing great one minute and then the next I would be nervous like I was about to step on stage.

Q: How about those last 5 minutes before you hit the stage, what were you thinking about?
A: The last few minutes I was trying to just breath! I get really nervous right before but the minute I step onto the stage it stops.
Q: When you are on stage did you try and read the judges reactions at all or just focus on what you are doing?
A: I just focus on what I am doing and make sure that I hit all my poses. I do look at the judges but never am I thinking what their reaction of me is.
Q: Whats the first thing you ate once it was over?
A: Coconut and pretzel M&Ms!
Q: Was there any other competitors you noticed who really impressed you?
A: Tara Hollingsworth in Class C really impressed me.
Q: What will be your biggest memory from the entire weekend?
A: Really it would be how supportive my family was and my trainer/ nutritionist, Cedric Godbolt and his beautiful wife, Ann Marie and all the time and energy that they put into me, my training and my nutrition. They were all there every step of the way and I will never forget that.
Q: How important is support from family and friends at a show like this?
A: It means everything to me.
Q: Have you decided when you will be on stage next?
A: I have not decided. I am taking an off season and will decide closer to the end of the year.
Q: Anyone you want to thank for helping you in the process?
A: I just want to thank my wonderful husband, Jeff Mouser for putting up with me, my moods, and understanding when I am so focused with dieting and the nutrition as it gets closer to the competitions. I also want to thank my kids for supporting me and understanding when I have to leave them to got workout or do night cardio. And want to thank all my friends and the rest of my family for all the support they give me.
And of course my trainer, Cedric Godbolt and his wife, Ann Marie who have put so much time and effort into me. They have both really held my hand through this whole journey that I have taken.
Q: Anything you want to take this time to plug or promote?
A: B.E.S Nutrition my sponsor/ training company that specializes in figure contest prep.
Cedric Godbolt - trainer and nutritionist

Q: Christine, again congrats, you really did look incredible. Any last words before you go?
A: Thank you for the compliment. It has been such a great accomplishment for me and I am so proud that I have taken this journey. And I want to thank you, Jason for giving me this opportunity to be interviewed. I am very honored to be one of the girls you chose to interview from the 2010 NPC Jr. USA's.
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