If I were to make a list of the most underrated bodybuilders in the sport, my first person on the list would be Amanda Folstad-Ptak. She always brings an incredible package to the stage, and whether when she was competing in Figure or now Bodybuilding, she manages to make the physique more impressive each time. To me, Amanda is up there with the elite in the sport already, and she is going to just keep getting better. To top if off, Amanda is also an incredibly kind woman and has been very helpful to me. Amanda makes you proud to be a fan of the industry.

Q: Amanda, thanks for taking the time out to do a second interview and congrats on USA's. You looked incredible.
Q: As a show itself what did you think of it?
A: I thought the USA's this year were pretty great. Everything ran so smoothly, and I thought the judging was pretty fair too. Overall I was happy with it!
Q: How confident were you going in?
A: Um, I was fairly confident in myself, I was looking better than I had precontest for any other show, however, I think I might have messed up on my carb-up, and my back peaked really early this time for some reason, so looking at my stage shots, I don't think I looked as good as I should have, for sure.
Q: After pre-judging how were you feeling about your chances?
A: I pretty much knew the placing I had after pre-judging, you can usually tell within a spot or two where you are sitting for the final results.

Q: How did you feel about the overall package your brought to the stage?
A: Like I said before, I don't feel I brought my best package to the stage, which was disappointing, because my prep for this show went amazing...but in the end, I wasn't where I wanted to be on stage.
Q: What part of your physique would you say was the one you have improved the most the last year?
A: My hamstrings and calves are really weak, and glutes too...I have definitely brought them up from where they started, but I have A LOT of work to do in those areas!!
Q: Was there one aspect of your physique you thought could have been better or you wan to improve on?
A: I want to always improve on everything about my physique...there isn't just one area, the whole package needs to be brought up!
Q: Did your prep go as smoothly as hoped for?
A: My prep was great! I had such an easy time with it this time....no stress.

Q: Is there a point in the prep process where you say "O.K. I am ready"?
A: I don't know if I would say "I'm ready" at any given point, but I definitely say, "I'm going to be there when I need to be", if that makes any sense!
Q: Anything about the prep process that you can say you want to do different next time?
A: I'm going to change my carb up back to what I used to do...other than that, just more cardio more cardio!!
Q: After a show like that, are you mentally drained at all?
A: I don't really get mentally drained from a show, physically my body is ready for a rest, but mentally, I do ok. The hard part is when you start to gain back some of the weight, mentally that can be tough to deal with, but you get through it!
Q: What are you thinking about those last five minutes before you step on stage?
A: I just keep thinking, please don't let me embarrass myself!!
Q: Whats the first thing you ate once it was over?
A: Cheesecake factory, I ordered a monster burrito, and ate about 3 bites and was sooo full!! I also had to have a pina coloda, and red velvet cheesecake TO GO!!

Q: Was there any other competitors you noticed who really impressed you?
A: When I saw Sara Hayes back stage, we got to visiting, and when I saw her getting ready to hit the stage, I knew she had it won before we even got on stage at pre-j! She really looked amazing, and totally deserved the win!
Q: What will be your biggest memory from the entire weekend?
A: Making some good friends, and just being happy with how I did!
Q: How important is support from family and friends at a show like this?
A: My family totally supports me, but they haven't had the chance to attend a show yet, they live in MT...and my family runs a business up there, so vacations don't happen much for them! But they call and text and check in on me all weekend, and I love that. Same with my friends, they are great support and help keep me going with it!
Q: Have you decided when you will be on stage next?
A: I'm guessing around April or May, up in the air right now for sure, but I have to requalify now for national level, since I didn't crack top 5...but I'm ready for a little break from the dieting. I would like to try to do USA's again next year, but it all depends on if I requalify first.
Q: Anyone you want to thank for helping you in the process?
A: My husband Mikey... He truly supports me and is so great, he really understands, and he is such a huge blessing in my life

Q: Amanda, again congrats, you really did look incredible, and I have so much respect for you.. Any last words before you go?
A: Thank you again, Jason, for thinking of me for this interview!! I hope to look and do better next time!! I'm a work in progress, always.
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