Before I talk about the Palmetto Cup, let me talk about Tiffany Nance. I sent her a friend request once, because quite honestly, she may have been the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. And her physique was amazing, highlighted by among the best abs ever. Turns out Tiffany is an amazing woman. She lives the Fitness lifestyle, and it is that which partially makes her someone that every beginner should admire, but every veteran should admire as well. Tiffany has become a friend. There are a very very select few I take advice from, and when Tiffany speaks, I listen. She is a role model for me. Always willing to help me or give me encouragement in my competing goals. She recently competed at the palmetto Cup and regardless of where she finished, she was a winner that night. She looked incredible. It is something when a woman has in your mind one of the best bodies around, and still looks better on stage then you thought she would. I am proud and honored to present my second interview with the beautiful Tiffany Nance.

Q: Tiffany, thanks for taking the time out to do a second interview.
A: You're welcome Jason! Thank you for asking me to do a second interview!
Q: For those who may have missed the first interview, can you tell a little about yourself.
A: Well, I'm a 29 year old single mom! I have the greatest 11..almost 12 year old boy in the world! I'm a personal trainer, I also work at Steeres nutrition, and I help my dad with his book keeping. I live in North Carolina, born and raised.
Q: Congrats on the Palmetto Cup. You did very well at the show. What were your feelings on the show overall?
A: Overall I feel like it was a great experience, there were a few things I really didn't like about the way the show was ran, but I wasn't in control of that. I am very grateful that I had the opportunity to compete and I had my closest people there to support me!

Q: Do you walk away saying "I am happy with how I did" or "what do I have to do to win next time"?
A: I was very happy with myself. My conditioning was exactly what I wanted, maybe not what the judges wanted, but I did the show for me. I knew going into this show that I wasn't gonna have the "soft" look that the judges are looking for these days. I just wasn't willing to compromise my conditioning. If I were to do it all over again, I wouldn't change a thing! I do think I need to work on being more graceful in my transitioning on stage.
Q: After pre-judging how were you feeling about your chances?
A: I really didn't know. Of course I had so many people telling me I had the win, but I still was unsure. You just never know what is going on in the judges mind, or what exactly they are looking for. I knew the girls were alot softer than I was, so I as out numbered.
Q: You looked amazing. How did you feel about the overall package your brought to the stage?
A: Thanks Jason! I was very very happy with the package I brought to the stage! If I had of been less lean, and softer, I wouldn't have been happy at all! I would have felt like I shortchanged myself.
Q: What part of your physique would you say made the biggest improvements in the last year
A: I've put on about 5 pounds of quality muscle in the past year, which I'm very happy about! My legs continue to get better and better, and my abs are looking better too!

Q: Was there one aspect of your physique you thought could have been better or you want to improve on?
A: I think I still need more lat spread, and a little extra shoulders never hurts anyone! :-)
Q: Did your prep go as smoothly as hoped for?
A: I have to say, for the most part the prep was pretty easy. The last week was very aggravating and tedious. The dieting and training was a breeze, but the packing, nails, tanning, all those nasty coats of protan, dropping water, not sleeping good, it wasn't a fun week, that's for sure. I think it would have been better if my schedule wasn't already so busy. My life is pretty hectic to begin with, but I think I handled the extra stress pretty well! Overall I would say it was pretty smooth!
Q: Is there a point in the prep process where you say "O.K. I am ready"?
A: I was pretty much ready at 4 weeks out. That was my goal, I wanted to be ready early so I could increase my calories and carbs some, so that once show time came I wasn't so wore out. I had enough to worry about there at the end, I didn't want to add more stress.

Q: Anything about the prep process that you can say you want to do different next time?
A: Not really, other than the tanning. I would definitely figure out a way to make that process easier.
Q: After a show like that, is it a mental let down at all, now that the process is over?
A: I'm actually relieved it's over. I know that may sound bad, but I'm a single mom with 3 jobs. I have so much going on already, the whole process just added more stress to my life. I never got any rest, never got to spend any quality time with my son, just way to much going on in my life at one time. If I wasn't so overwhelmed already I think I would have had more fun with it!
It really feels good to be able to relax a little bit! I know next time what I'll be getting into and it shouldn't be so stressful.
Q: The week before a show like that, what are you thinking about. Nervous or excited, or what?
A: Actually the week before I was so busy trying to get all the final things done before the show, I never really had time to get nervous. I was more anxious than anything I think.
Q: How about those last 5 minutes before you hit the stage, what are you thinking about.
A: Now that's when I finally got nervous. When I get nervous I sweat instantly! I was sweating and thinking "oh no, not now" Had protan sweat dripping down my arm before I went out there. Was standing in the lineup backstage whipping it up! lol It all happened so fast though.
Q: When you are on stage did you try and read the judges reactions at all or just focus on what you are doing?
A: I was trying to focus for the most part, had a friend in the audience hollering, aka "callouts" I know he was just trying to help or encourage but it was very distracting!
Q: Whats the first thing you ate once it was over?
A: My mama's double cookie cake with double icing :-) OHHH it was to die for! then we went out for pizza!
Q: Was there any other competitors you noticed who really impressed you?
A: There were a few beautiful girls there, but most looked like they belonged in bikini in my opinion. I just don't understand the rule changes, but I have no control over that! I met some really cool chics there too!
Q: How important is support from family and friends at a show like this?
A: For me it was very important! I sure don't know what I would have done without Becky. She's my best friend and had the pleasure of painting me with coat after coat of protan! Just having all my people there to support me helped calm my nerves some too!
Q: Where would you rank this show in your achievements?
A: I would say at the top with all the rest! Anytime I set a goal and successfully achieve it, it's a great feeling!
Q: Have you decided when you will be on stage next if at all?
A: Haven't decided! Melanie and I are talking about finding a bigger show, with more competition, but it will be a while! Hopefully figure will change as far as what they are looking for, if not, oh well, I will continue to bring the best overall package for me!

Q: Anyone you want to thank for helping you in the process?
A: First I want to thank God for giving me the chance to compete. He definitely helped me through the process! Noah Steere for sponsoring me, he's such an awesome friend and boss! My son for dealing with my mood swings there towards the end. Kristi, Jon, JJ, Melanie, Becky, all my clients for understanding my forgetfulness. It's amazing how your memory goes away the leaner you get.
Q: Anything you want to take this time to plug or promote?
A: Steeres Nutrition in Fayettville, NC we sell the best supplements at the best prices!
Q: Looking for any sponsors? If so what are they getting in Tiffany Nance the athlete and competitor?
A: Who isn't looking for sponsors? I am very driven, I sleep, eat, and breathe this lifestyle! It's my passion! I enjoy helping others just as much if not more than myself.
Q: Tiffany, you have become a friend, and someone I really admire. I was so happy when I saw how great you looked, and I know you will keep getting better. Any last words before you go?
A: Thanks Jason! You are awesome! And I believe in you and know that you will fulfill your dreams of being on that stage too!
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