Female Fitness

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

My Friend Francesca Hartman took 4th at the Arnold

A few years ago I did an interview with Francesca Hartman, who had dropped 50 pounds and turned herself from a before picture into an absolutely stunning after picture. You can check out that interview ==>> How Francesca lost 50 Pounds and Went from Fat to Fab (it will open in a new page).

Fitness Model Fran Hartman

I mentioned to Fran that she had a lot of potential to greatly improve on what she looked like, even though she looked fantastic already, and that she’d be amazing if she ever decided to compete in figure competitions (which now has a bikini division, but not for the ladies you think of in beauty contests, that’s not fit enough!).

Fran and I have kept in touch after that interview. Anyway, not long after that interview Fran competed for the first time. And then competed again. And again. And recently sent me an update since that first interview.

Hey everyone, well the last interview was in December of 2008 , where I had accomplished losing around 50 plus pounds. I was more than determined to be in good enough shape to step on stage and compete against some of the best NPC competitors in the sport.

In early 2009, just shortly after the last interview I received a call that sent both my husband and myself on a mission as Drill Sergeants in the Army to Ft. Knox, Kentucky for nearly a year.

For that year we worked 16 – 20 hour shifts, 6 – 7 days a week. Finding time to get in shape while training soldiers was nearly impossible, even finding energy to drink coffee was hard. Haha.

Fitness Model Fran Hartman

In Dec of 2009, while at Ft. Knox, I had made a new years resolution that I would compete in the 1st Jon Lindsay NPC event of the year, which was March 21 2010.

I weighed around 135 pounds at the time and wanted to come into the competition at 115 pounds and toned. So I definitely had my work cut out for me, literally! :-)

This gave me just under 3 months to get myself on track, learn how to wear high heels and put on a game face.

Fortunately, the weight I gained wasn’t all fat. I had gained a lot of muscle while doing numerous road marches, graduating Air Assault School, and technically going through Basic Combat Training more times that year than the human body should, while training soldiers.

So I was more than excited to see what was all under the body fat. March 21 2010 eventually came and I took my first step onto stage.

Fitness Model Fran Hartman

This was a huge moment of success; win or lose I accomplished my goal to compete and even look decent in a bathing suit after being considered obese. I wanted to show the world that no matter how big you may have gotten, a dream can happen if you set your mind to it and run, jump, or even wobble over the obstacles.

At the end of my 1st NPC, I ran away with the 1st Place trophy before they realized the mistake they made and successfully made it to Red Robin for my glory meal, continuously looking out the window for Jon Lindsay to show up and tell me it was for another Francesca Hartman and how they apologize for any inconvenience.

But I finally came to the realization the next morning, when I had woken up with the trophy next to me, that I had actually placed 1st and there was NO Jon Lindsay to be seen!!

This was my 1st NPC at San Diego GNC NPC

I went on to compete in 5 more competitions in the past 5 months:

My second was a power lifting competition at Luke AFB in Glendale, AZ, where I placed first in my weight for squat, dead lift & bench. I had to put on some weight for that competition but had a blast.

My third was a Miles production NPC event in Phoenix, AZ where I took 4th.

My fourth was the USA’s Bikini Championships in Las Vegas, NV where I placed 8th.

My fifth was Luke AFB Figure & bodybuilding competition, where I placed 1st in Figure and had an opportunity to meet Figure Competitor Betty Vasquez, who competed at the USA’s this year and Pro bodybuilding and guest speaker Troy Alves, who was getting ready for Mr. Olympia at the time.

My Sixth was at the IFBB North America’s In Cleveland, OH. where I placed 7th. My competition weight was 108 pounds which is around 60 – 70 pounds smaller than when I started losing weight in December 2005.

Being so new to the competition world and competing in so many shows (nationally & locally) in such a short time frame really placed a lot of strain on me physically and mentally.

I can’t say for sure what will happen next year as far a competing, but I do know that the desire to be the best is always going to be my nature and giving myself these competition goals is what keeps me out of the 95% of people who backslide after losing a significant amount of weight.

Fitness Model Fran Hartman

I am afraid of myself and that is what keeps me going forward, knowing that the work to take it off is so much greater than the determination to not put it on.

Fitness Model Michele Cogger Reveals Her Fat Loss Tips

Recently I had the opportunity to interview fitness model, fitness competitor and Allmax Nutrition spokes model Michele Cogger.

michele cogger fitness model

Check out Michele’s fitness and fat loss tips.

Gregg: Michele, I know that a snowboarding accident got you into the gym but what motivated you to pursue working out beyond rehabbing your broken arm?

Michele: When I first started going to the gym, it was because I needed to, not because I wanted to.

But it didn’t take long at all for me to notice the women in the gym who were in incredible shape… and I was in such awe.

I dreamed that someday I would look just like them.

As soon as I started to see the changes as my muscles developed, I was completely addicted to weight training.

I don’t think I have been away from the gym for a week straight, ever, since I started six years ago.

Gregg: Wow. That makes me feel like a fitness underachiever!

How long did it take you to get to where you are now, and what would you say to our readers who are already tired and frustrated and just want to finally “get in shape”?

Michele: This is a tough question to answer without giving you a novel!

I have had many ups and down along the way to where I am today, so there is no simple answer.

When I first started training I got too skinny, and had to work very hard to change my mentality and learn how to eat to nourish my body, not just to shrink it.

I do know, however, that with twelve weeks, a solid fitness program, and 100 percent commitment to achieving your goal, anyone can have the body that they want.

The commitment part is the hardest, but it is what makes all the difference.

You have to be in it with your entire being: your body, your mind, and your heart.

Gregg: One thing I’d like for you to address because I feel it’s a big one with women, is weight training.

Even nowadays, a lot of women shy away from weight training because they don’t want to look like Arnold.

If they train at all, it’s with the tiny pink weights and they never even break a sweat.

You’ve developed a gorgeous, sexy, lean hard body and you couldn’t have done it without weights.

What do you say to these women to get them to not just train with weights but train hard and make it an important part of their overall program?

michele cogger fitness babe

Michele Cogger: I have many clients who have come to me with these concerns, and I always ask them what they want to look like.

Do they want to be a smaller version of their current body, or a lean, fit, feminine body?

Take a look around at the people in the gym, where do you see the lean fit women?

It is physically impossible for a woman to pack on pounds of muscle to the point of looking masculine just by lifting weights.

We don’t have enough testosterone to do it! And I know from experience that it is a LOT harder to build muscle than it is to lose fat.

I challenge my clients to at least try it out and let me train them with weights.

And the funny thing? No one has ever come out looking like Arnold. But they do love the results.

Gregg: What advice would you give to someone who’s brand-new to the fight to get and stay in shape and struggling to stick to a proper nutrition and exercise program?

Michele: Believe in yourself!

If others can do it, there is nothing that says YOU can’t, except for your own level of commitment.

Surround yourself with like-minded people who will support your efforts rather than sabotage them.

You’ll be surprised at how many people you (yes, you!) can motivate to get fit.

If it seems tough, I always say to give it two weeks.

Anyone can follow a diet for two weeks, so I challenge you to go fourteen full days eating exactly on your plan.

Don’t get overwhelmed by thinking about the months ahead.

It takes two weeks to break a habit, so it is usually very easy to actually WANT to keep going when those two weeks are over, because you will feel so good that it becomes rewarding rather than depriving.

Gregg: Speaking of getting started and sticking with a program, Michele, what’s the biggest mistake you made when you started and how did you correct it?

Michele: I would say that my biggest mistake when I first started was cutting calories way too low.

I started lifting, loved the results, and realized that the less I ate, the faster I lost weight.

The problem was that I didn’t realize how wrong and dangerous that way of thinking was at the time.

It took a long time for me to accept that I needed to eat a whole lot more to support my level of activity and the muscles that I was trying to develop.

I thought I was buff at the time, but now I am embarrassed to even look at the photos.

Gregg: What do you think is the most important thing or skill you’ve learned with regard to health and fitness?

michele cogger bikini model

Michele Cogger: I could tell you how many calories are in just about anything! Does that count as a skill?

Gregg: LOL! I’d have to say yes.

What are some common pitfalls you feel people can stumble upon and how do you help them avoid these obstacles?

Michele: The worst thing I ever hear is “It’s okay to order pizza, I went to the gym today.” But that’s not how it works!

If you want to lose weight, you have to go after your goals from every angle. That means working out, AND eating right.

Another one is alcohol.

If you aren’t paying attention to calories that you consume from your drinks, even the best-intentioned diet won’t give you the results that you want.

Be the designated driver, then you don’t have to feel like you have to drink when you go out.

Gregg: Great advice, Michelle! Moving forward and knowing what you know now, what would you have done differently with your own journey, if anything?

Michele: I don’t think I’d do anything differently.

I learned from every experience that I had along the way, so I don’t think I would be in the same place if I changed anything.

The road was rocky in some places, but I still learned and grew as a result.

Gregg: Do you feel that ongoing feedback and motivational tools would help in maintaining a fitness program?

I always encourage my clients to take pictures periodically.

Michele: Absolutely! It is very hard to stay committed 100% of the time if you don’t have something driving you to do it.

Whether it is taking the next week’s photo, reporting to your coach, or posting in an online training journal, it is so much easier to keep your focus if there you are accountable to someone.

Gregg: If you were to advise a close friend or family member how to follow in your fitness footsteps, what would you tell them?

Michele: The first thing you must do is to create goals, both short-term and long-term, and visualize them often.

Create a fitness game plan, enlist the help of people you trust, and give it everything you’ve got.

You will never know what you are capable of unless you try.

Don’t be afraid to ask a ton of questions.

But most importantly, I would tell them to enjoy the journey!

You will learn so many wonderful things about yourself, and it may seem tough at times but you should cherish the experience and the accomplishments.

Gregg: Speaking of the journey, the most common excuse I hear from people who don’t eat right or train is that they don’t have the time to even get started on the journey.

What advice do you have for people who use ‘lack of time’ as an excuse to eat poorly and avoid exercise?

Michele Cogger: There is always time to exercise.

Just get out of bed a little earlier, it doesn’t interfere with any of your commitments during the day.

It may not be fun at first, but it is a very easy way to get more time.

And eating right is not as time consuming as it sounds, if you are just starting out, the biggest thing is to make smarter choices.

You can still eat on the go, but read your nutrition labels and be mindful of what you are putting in your body.

Gregg: What’s a typical day for you when it comes to training and nutrition?

How are you able to consistently fit them into your busy schedule?

Michele: I fit everything in because I make it a priority.

Just like my other appointments, I make sure that I get my workouts in.

I have an elliptical at home, so I get up in the morning and do cardio before breakfast every day.

I drink a protein shake for breakfast, usually while I am driving to work.

My office is right by the gym, so I bring my gym bag with me everyday and I will do my weight training after work.

For my meals, I will either pack food to take with me, or else get lunch at the salad bar.

I have a bunch of ready-to-drink protein shakes in the fridge at the office, so I am never without food.

I usually eat a big salad for dinner, and then have a scoop of protein powder before bed.

Gregg: What do you think are the keys to becoming successful, whether it’s competing or losing 15 pounds of fat?

Michele: It is absolutely essential to believe in yourself.

We can do anything if we set our minds to it, so to be successful in your fitness goals, you have to wake up every morning and believe that you can do it.

Consistency and commitment is another big one.

Anyone can diet for a week, but true results take a change in lifestyle that is much broader (and much more rewarding) than a quick-fix diet.

I also believe that to be successful, you need to surround yourself with other fitness-minded people, who can support and encourage you along your journey.

Gregg: What’s one of the things you find most challenging about what you do?

Michele: The hardest part is not the actual hours spent in the gym or the limited food choices, which may seem like it would be the obvious answer.

To me, it is challenging to always have to be planning ahead.

Sometimes I get home from a long day and all I want to do is take a shower and head straight to bed, but if I don’t cook and pack my cooler for the next day I won’t have the meals that I need!

I usually cook a ton of food on the weekends, but it still wears me out to have to constantly think about having everything prepared.

Sometimes I miss the spontaneity of just heading out with friends for a fun event without having to think about where my food will come from.

I think that we all face this, though, and it is definitely rewarding and worthwhile in the end.

Gregg: You’ve already won three regional NPC shows and are an Allmax sponsored athlete. What are your future plans?

Michele: My current focus is developing my career as a fitness model.

I have a few projects lined up that I am very excited about, so expect to see a lot more of me soon!

I am excited to continue to represent Allmax and be an important part of their marketing campaign, as well as grow my personal training business.

Gregg: Michele, thanks so much for taking the time to share your fitness experience and knowledge with my readers!

Learn more about some of the great fitness tips Michele has shared about burning more body fat by checking out:

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Zhanna Rotar - IFBB Figure Pro

This beautiful young lady is IFBB Figure Pro Zhanna Rotar.
Zhanna is five foot three and weighs 116 pounds.
She was born on August 2, 1980 in Chernivtsi, Ukrainian SSR, Soviet Union.
(You may be familiar with another Chernivtsi native, Mila Kunis)
When she was 16, Zhanna and her family migrated to the U.S., and they settled in Seattle Washington.
While attending a community college, she joined a gym and tried several programs before deciding on weightlifting.
She really got into it and set a goal of becoming a fitness competitor, however, when the Figure division was created, she saw that as a better fit.
Since 2002, Zhanna has racked up an impressive list of female fitness competitions....

2002 Empire Classic - 1st Place short
2003 Northern Gold's Classic - 1st Place medium and Overall
2003 Evergreen State Championships - 1st Place medium
2003 Washington Ironman - 1st Place tall
2004 Emerald Cup 2004 1st Place medium-short
2004 Los Angeles Championships - 1st Place medium and Overall
2004 Team Universe - 4th Place Class C
2005 Junior Nationals - 2nd Place Class B
2005 The USA's - 3rd Place Class C
2005 Team Universe 2005 1st Place Class C
2006 IFBB California Pro Figure - 10th Place
2006 IFBB Shawn Ray Colorado Pro - 10th Place
2006 IFBB San Francisco Pro - 4th Place
2007 IFBB Jan Tana Women's Bodybuilding And Figure Contest - 10th Place
2007 IFBB Colorado Pro/Am Classic Bodybuilding And Figure Contest - 7th Place
2007 IFBB California Pro Figure Championships - 8th Place
2008 IFBB Tournament of Champions Pro Figure - 9th Place
2008 IFBB California State Pro Figure Championships - 12th Place
2010 IFBB MuscleContest Pro Bikini - 12th Place

Brandy Leaver

Brandy Leaver - fitness women - muscle women

This beautiful young lady is Ms. Hawaiian Tropic 2005, FLEX magazine bikini contest winner and amateur figure competitor Brandy Leaver.
Well she WAS an amateur, according to her Twitter, on August 3rd 2010, Brandy became an IFBB Pro.
Brandy was born on March 05, 1983 in Waimanalo, Hawaii.
She's five foot six, 125 pounds and her measurements are 36D-26-36.
Watch yourself around her guys....
Not only is her husband the massive Brandon Curry, but Brandy wrestled for four years in high school and boxed.

Female fitness competitions:
2007 NPC Stingrey Classic Bodybuilding, Fitness and Figure Contest - 1st Place
2010 NPC Junior National Championships - 10th Place
2010 NPC USA Championships - 1st Place

Brandy Leaver - women muscle - fitness model

Veronique Morin - Fitness Beauty

Veronique Morin - fitness lady - fitness beauties

This gorgeous redhead is WBFF (World Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation) Bikini Competitor and fitness model Véronique Morin from Drummondville, QC, Canada.

Veronique Morin - fitness beauty - fitness body

Female Fitness Competition History:
2010 Canadian Bikini, Figure and Fitness Championships - 4th Place
2010 FCPAQ Quebec Natural Physique Championships and Provincial Championships - 1st Place
2010 Championnat Provincial / Provincial Championships - 1st Place
2009 FCPAQ Espoir Quebec Pro Gym Cup / Figure Overall
2009 FCPAQ Espoir Quebec Pro Gym Cup / Femme Culturiste Légère / Women Bodybuilding Lightweight - 2nd Place
2009 FCPAQ Espoir Quebec Pro Gym Cup / Figure Model Tall - 1st Place
2009 Coupe Pro Gym Espoir Québec FCPAQ - Figure Model Tall - 1st Place

Veronique Morin - fitness babe - muscle fitness

Amanda Latona - IFBB Bikini Pro

Amanda Latona - IFBB Bikini Pro - fitness lady

This gorgeous young lady is IFBB Bikini Pro Amanda Latona.
I have done a few write ups on her here and here, but she's never graced this blog till now.
Personally, I think Amanda is one of the most beautiful women on the scene today.
She was born on March 24th, 1979 in Pittsburgh, PA, my adopted home state.
Amanda is not only a bikini and fitness model competitor, but also a print model, M.C., spokes model, host, actress, certified personal trainer and a singer!
A long time ago, she was in an all girls singing group called Innosense.
You may not know the name, but one of her fellow group members was Britney Spears.

Amanda Latona - IFBB Bikini Pro - female fitness trainers

Since then, this five foot five, 120 pound fitness beauty has gone on to make quite a name for herself in fitness, as you can see from this list.

2003 Miss Bikini Florida - 1st
2007 MuscleMania Miss Bikini Las Vegas - 1st
2007 MuscleMania Model America Championships - 1st
2007 MuscleMania Model Las Vegas - 1st
2008 MuscleMania Fitness America Weekend - 1st
2008 MuscleMania Model America Championships - 1st
2009 IFBB Olympia - 1st
2009 NPC USA Bodybuilding & Figure Championships - 1st
2009 NPC Los Angeles Bodybuilding, Figure and Fitness Championships - 1st
2009 NPC California State Bodybuilding, Figure and Fitness Championships - 1st
2010 IFBB Olympia - 5th
2010 IFBB Europa Super Show - 1st
2010 IFBB MuscleContest Pro Bikini - 3rd

Amanda Latona - IFBB Bikini Pro - fitness beauties

Lori Harder - Ms. Bikini Universe 2010

Lori Harder-fitness trainer-fitness lady

I know I keep saying this, but again, we have one of the most beautiful women I think I have ever profiled here.
Lori Harder is a fitness competitor, fitness model, and fitness trainer and she is Ms. Bikini Universe 2010.
By the way, Lori didn't only win the Ms. Bikini America title, but also the Figure America Championship, at the same contest!
That was the first time that had happened in 21 years.
No small feat.
This five foot eight, 135 pound, fitness beauty has participated in Figure and Bikini competitions in both the Fitness America Federation, and the NPC.
And you may have seen one of her several appearances in Oxygen Magazine.

Lori Harder-fitness beauties-fitness beautyTautan

Female Fitness Competitions:
2007 Fitness America, Bikini - 3rd place
2007 Fitness America, Figure - 4th place
2008 MuscleMania Fitness America Weekend - 2nd Place
2008 Fitness Universe, Figure - 3rd place
2008 Fitness Atlantic Natural Bodybuilding, Fitness, Bikini, Figure & Model Competition -1st Place - Tall class
2009 Figure Universe, Figure - 2nd place
2009 Fitness Universe Bikini - 3rd place
2009 Jay Cutler NPC, Bikini - 2nd place
2009 Fitness America, Bikini - 6th place
2009 Fitness America, Figure - 2nd place
2010 Fitness America Figure Tall Class - 3rd place
Ms. Bikini Universe 2010

Gal Ferreira (Glauce Ferreira) - Brazilian Fitness Model

Gal Ferreira-Glauce Ferreira-Brazilian-fitness women

This beautiful and built young lady is Brazilian IFBB Pro Gal Ferreira.
Gal started out at the age of six in ballet, then moved into gymnastics.

She graduated in 1998 from the Federal University of Minas Gerais with a degree in Physical Education, and works as a personal trainer.
Her hobbies include ballet, soccer, African dance, gymnastics and aerobics.

Gal is also married to legendary bodybuilder Dorian Yates.

I know she has been in competitions in other countries (she won the IFBB South American Bodyfitness and IFBB World Bodyfitness Championships), but the only US competition I can find is the 2008 IFBB Arnold Classic Bodybuilding, Fitness And Figure Contest where she came in 9th place.

Gal Ferreira-Glauce Ferreira-fitness model-fitness models

Andressa Vieira - Brazilian Fitness Beauty

Andressa Vieira - Eva Vieira - Eva Andressa Vieira

This is stunning Brazilian figure competitor and fitness model Eva Andressa Vieira.
I think she is absolutely gorgeous and she reminds me of a cross between Danica Patrick and TNA Knockout Sarita (Sarah Stock or Dark Angel for all you lucha libre fans out there).
I've read that she competes in figure, but it looks like with just a bit more mass, she could do bodybuilding easy.
But why mess with a good thing right?
This five foot nine fitness beauty started lifting weights because she felt she was too thin and wanted to improve her figure.
I think it worked!

Andressa Vieira - female fitness competitions - female fitness competitor

Andressa Vieira's Female Fitness Competitions
2005 - Champion Paranaense Figure - NABBA
2006 - Brazilian Champion Figure - NABBA
2006 - Champion Paranaense Figure - NABBA
2008 - Champion Brazilian Body Fitness - IFBB
2009 - Overall Champion Brazilian Body Fitness - IFBB
2009 - South American Body Fitness - 3rd Place - IFBB

Andressa Vieira - fitness beauties - fitness beauty

Miriam Sanchez - Spain Body Fitness Champion

Miriam Sanchez - spain - fitness beauties

This beautiful young lady is Miriam Sanchez.
Miriam is a fitness trainer from San Pedro del Pinatar, Spain, and besides fitness, she's into Flamenco dancing and Harley Davidson riding.
She was the Spain Bodyfitness Champion in 2006, 2007 and 2008.
Miriam came in 5th at the IFBB European Womens Bodybuilding, Fitness and Body Fitness in Cacak, Serbia in 2007 and 5th at the 2007 IFBB World Womens Championships in Santa Susanna Spain.
Miriam also came in 1st place at the Princess Kalina Fitness Cup on March 14th, 2008 in Sophia, Bulgaria.
She also came in 13th in NPC Figure Class E at the 2009 Arnold Classic.

Miriam Sanchez - fitness beauty - body fitness

Oksana Grishina - Russian Fitness Beauty

Oksana Grishina - Russian - female muscle

It's been quite awhile since I have done anything on Russian fitness beauty Oksana Grishina, back in 2009 actually.
But I think this may be Oksana's year in fitness, so here's a quick update.
This five foot four, 116 pound fitness competitor was born on March 25th, 1978 in Kaliningrad Russia.
Oksana started gymnastics at the age of seven which from what I understand, is kinda late in Russia.

Oksana Grishina - women muscle - fitness women

Oksana recently joined Team Gaspari and her teammates include fitness beauties Krissy Chin, Ava Cowan, Stacey Oster Thompson, Marzia Prince and Trish Warren.
She has also appeared in Flex, IronMan and other fitness magazines.
Oksana is married, and her husband's (who is also her coach) name is Boris.

Oksana Grishina - IFBB - female fitness

Oksana's Fitness Contest History:
2007 IFBB Europa Super Show - NP
2007 IFBB All Star Pro Fitness Championships - 3rd Place
2007 IFBB Olympia - 7th Place
2008 IFBB New York Pro Fitness - 7th Place
2008 IFBB Arnold Classic Bodybuilding, Fitness And Figure Contest - 10th Place
2009 IFBB Arnold Classic - 9th Place
2010 IFBB Olympia - 5th Place
2010 IFBB Arnold Classic, Ms. International, Fitness International & Figure International - 5th Place
2010 IFBB Phoenix Pro - 4th Place

Here is Oksana's Fitness Routine at the 2010 Arnold Classic...

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Seeking Male Fitness Models (and male bodybuilders) for Solo Videos (earn up to 3k)

We are seeking fit guys between the ages of 18 - 40, who can earn up to 3k per solo jack off videos. We collaborate with a few companies and they are seeking more fit guys to join their team of amazing solo artists. Do you have what it takes? College student looking to make some quick cash? Please send 10 full body shots (nude) to solovids@norcalbodz.com

Copyright 2007 - 2011 NorCalBodz.com All Rights Reserved All photographs by NorCalBodz Photography / NCB Model Management are protected by copyright law. No image may be used, edited, reproduced, transferred, published or distributed in any form or by any means whatsoever without prior written permission from the artist. Some images may appear from other photographer and NCB "thanks" the photographer for allowing them (NCB) to use the images and to promote the fitness model.   Keywords / labels: Top Male Fitness Models, Male Fitness Models, Fitness Models, Underwear Male Models, Underwear Models, NorCalBodz, NCB, NCB Model Management, NorCalBodz Model Management, Talent Manager, Fitness Model Manager, Fitness Photography, Model Management, Fashion Photographer, Male Fashion Model, Fitness Model, Underwear Model, Elite Male Model, Top Male Model, Bodybuilder, Bodybuilding, Bodybuilding.Com, Teen Bodybuilder, Teen Bodybuilding. Bodybuilding Male Modeling, Bodybuilder Male Model, How to Become a Male Fitness Model, Underwear Modeling, Male Physique, Model Mayhem, BeModel, Fitness, Workout, Male Models, Elite Male Models, Sacramento, Curve New York, Curve Nevada, Magic Nevada, Male Fitness Model Management, Posing Routine, Teen Posing Routine, Natural Bodybuilding, Kellan L., Calvin Klein Underwear, CK Underwear, Chiseled Male Photography, Chiseled Male, Model Mayhem Chiseled Male, Model Mayhem, BeModel, 2kmodels, Playgirl Magazine, Elite Fitness Models, Baskit Underwear, Aussie Bum, AAG, All American Guys, DMK Underwear, Sweat Underwear, Papi Underwear, Cin2 Underwear, Ian Daviau, Underwear Model, Bryan Patrick, Tory George, Logan Swiecki-Taylor, Jordan Preston, Erk Rossi, Matt McCaleb, William Price, Trevor Adams, Jason Borish, Ivan Scannell, Cody Deal, Dale Rowse, Vince Ramos, John Aiello, Erik Taylor, Jeff Grant, John K. Bleta-Aiello, Lupe Viscarra, Chris Dudot, Dale Rowse, Andy Catlin, Michael David B, Vince Ramos, Chandler Workman, Ryan Preece, Simon Rex, Warren Cuccurullo, Lee Pallender, Shane Callanan, Shane Callanan Nude, Shane Callanan Mattox, Danny Flanigan, Sean Parker, Jorge Luis DLC, Harijs Broza, AAG All American Guys Amazing Fitness Models Anthony Nuzzo BeModel Bend The Rules Bodybuilder Steve Firman Bodybuilders Bodybuilding Bodybuilding.com BodySpace Brandon Bass Brandon McCormick Brendon Villegas Nude Bryan McCulley Bryan Patrick California Models Christopher Miles Christopher Miles-Spafford DMK Underwear Eric Turner Exercise for Men Firmanator Fitness Magazines Fitness Males Fitness Model Fitness Model Casting Call Fitness Modeling Fitness Photography Football Player Greg Plitt How to become a male fitness model Indiana State Jake Risk Jamie Barnard Jason Borish Jay Cutler Jessie Godderz John K. Bleta-Aiello Jon Hazard Jordan Preston Joseph Johnson Kash Kiefer KCRA A List Keith Wiemer Logan Swiecki Logan Swiecki-Taylor Male Fitness Model Contest Male Fitness Model. Tory George Male Fitness Models Male Fitness Models USA Male Model Male Model Management Male Models Male Twins Man of the Year Men's Exercise Model Management Model Mayhem Model Steve Firman NCB NCB Model Management Nick Wolanski Nick Wolanski nude NorCalBodz NorCalBodz Photography Nuzzo Twins Peter Pagan Playgirl Magazine Rob Patrick Ryan Christiansen Sacramento Fitness Model Sacramento Fitness Models Sacramento Male Model Scott Herman Simon Rex Sports Model Stenson Christianson Steve Firman Teen Bodybuilders Teen Bodybuilding Todd Roberts Todd Sanfield Top Fitness Model Top Male Fitness Models Tory George Trevor Adams Twin Fitness Models twitter norcalbodz Tyler Sarry UK Male Fitness Models Underwear Model Underwear Models Vicent Nuzzo Wade Kirk William Price Zach Allen, Gavin Ford, Campus Hunk Model Search, Bodybuilding.Com, Teen Bodybuilding, Teen Bodybuilding Model Search, Male Model Underwear Model Search, College Male Model, Casting Call Male College Fitness Guys, Tyler Nash, NCB, UC Davis College Fitness Models, Open Casting Call Male Fitness Models, Sean Cody, Randy Blue, All American Guys, Mega Muscle, Men's Fitness, GQ, Details, Fit College Guys Model Search, College Guys Fitness Model Search, California Guys Model Search, Campus Hunks Model Search, College Studs Fitness Model Search, College Bodybuilders, College Hunks Across the USA Model Search

Monday, March 5, 2012

Seeking Male Fitness Models (and male bodybuilders)

How To Become A Male Fitness Model

If you have developed a muscular body and are able to easily travel, it's easier than you think to start a career as a male fitness model and land in the pages of a fitnes
s magazine. You simply need to get snapshots into the hands of fitness photographers.

Athletic guys with large and well-defined muscles, especially well-defined abs, are in demand as male fitness models. Male fitness magazines are always looking for new faces (or, bodies) for their pages.

Requirements: Muscular
ity is Key

You do not need to be a bodybuilder to become a male fitness model. However, guys need to have a lot of muscle compared to the average male. A 5 10" 165 pound will not likely be selected by a fitness magazine. While you do not need to have the body of Jay Cutler, having the body of a marathon runner will not get you chosen. You need a lot of defined muscle, not the body of typical male fashion model. Read the mistake guys make when Building Muscle for photo shoots. You also need extremely developed abs, not just a trim waist. One key note to fitness modeling. If your not comfortable showing skin, fitness modeling may not be for you. The more skin you show, the more likely you’ll be selected for a fitness magazine. For more information

about this topic, contact NorCalBodz (www.norcalbodz.com) (casting@norcalbodz.com).

Becoming a Male Fitness Model Different From
Becoming a Male Model

The male fitness modeling industry is different from men's fashion modeling, with different photographers and industry players. Talent agents and modeling agencies are unnecessary in this arena. If a guy is muscular, it is easier to break into the fitness modeling business - at least on a part-time basis - than to become a male fashion model. While male fashion modeling is centered around clot
hing fashion designers, fitness modeling is geared toward supplements and fitness magazines. Male fashion models show off clothing. Male fitness models show off their muscles.

Male fitness models earn less than their fashion counterparts, but opportunities abound in the fitness industry - even for residents of small cities and towns. While a guy who wants to become a fashion model needs to live in a big city, a muscular guy does not need to live in a major city to get fitness modeling bookings. He simply needs to effortlessly get himself to a big city to pose for a fitness photographer. Professionals will not work with you if traveling requires a lot of their time to schedule.

Earnings As a Male Fitness

Initial fitness modeling gigs with fitness magazine photographers do not pay much. Most guys want these type of modeling jobs so they can appear in a fitness magazine and possibly impress personal training clients - they do not appear in fitness magazines to get rich
. The fitness photographers either pay you a flat fee at the time of the shoot, or pay you after photos are sold. With the latter payment option, the fitness photographer will submit the resulting photos to fitness magazines and products who advertise in fitness magazines. If the fitness photographer sells a photo in which you appear, he will split the proceeds 50-50 with you.

Becoming a Fitness Model Requires Traveling

If you live outside of the photographer's city, convincing a fitness professional that you are a reliable and will show up at their photo shoot is equally important. Being the most muscular guy in the world means little if you are unable to get to the location of the shoot. Avoid making travel a hassle. A busy fitness photographer does not want to speak with your parents, wait until you ask off work from your job, or work with someone who turns visit for a photo shoot into a vacation involving your family and friends. Your role is to get to his studio and then go back home, not ask him to deal with your plans to go surfing or visit Disneyworld while in town.

Travel Costs

If your snaps
hots and video bio catch the eye of a fitness photographer, he may or may not fly you - at his expense - to be photographed in their studio for a large quantity of photos. If you live outside of a major city like Los Angeles, be prepared to pay your own travel expenses. It may help a career to appear in a fitness magazine - even if you lose money on the deal due to ravel cost. This means it is smart to pay $400 for airfare to get to a big city to pose for a fitness photographer even if you are not being compensated for the assignment. Note: A fitness photographer may not want to pay the added expense for your travel cost if he already has a number of models available in his city and they do not need an airplane flight to get to his photo

shoot. The goal is to get your foot in the door by landing in a fitness magazine. What better reward is there for all that hard work in the gym than a pictorial of that great physique for everyone to admire?

Photographer and or Company Pays Airfare

Yes, there are photographers that will pay for your airfare; but, more often than not, these photographers/companies have a “pay per view” site and make money off of customers wi
lling to pay for the luxury of viewing your photos (NorCalBodz does not have a pay per view site). This does not give any model the exposure he/she deserves, because no reputable company pays to view images of potential models that they might hire. Long story short…. Don’t get fooled into letting, pay per view site, photographers make money off of your fine image. A shoot that pays is great, but a shoot that can get you hired by big companies is even better.

Two Ways to Become a Male Fitness Model

· Work with a well re
spected photographer and or model management company

· Email or mail informal snapshots of yourself to fitness photographers who shoot exclusively for fitness and muscle magazines. (this can be very time consuming)

Being in Optimal Shape Not Required

If you are changing your training program, cutting weight or bulking up, you can still submit snapshots to photographers. Photographers know that bodybuilders fluctuate in weight before bodybuilding shows. A good photographer can predict how you will look when he is ready to bring you in for a shoot.

Just as you cho
ose a weight class that you expect to be in on the day of a bodybuilding contest, you create snapshots when you are not in optimal condition. You simply inform the photographer that you are X weeks away from competition weight. Professional photographers know that you will be cutting weight and be in condition by the time you arrive for a photo shoot.

Types of Snapshots to Create

If you wish to be considered for fitness modeling opportunities, always include a face shot when shooting audition photos to su
bmit to a fitness magazine or a fitness photographer, but be sure to include audition photos that focus on your abs.

Concentrate on Muscle Groups

When you are asked by a fitness photographer to submit a photo that shows your abs, or any other body part, do just that. Photograph that body part. If he requests photos of your biceps, shoot just
your biceps. Your face does not need to be in every photo. Faces are less important and don't even need to be in the photos when a fitness photographer wants to see a body part. When you include your face, it makes your abs smaller in the snapshot. Remember, its well-defined muscle groups that put male fitness models into national fitness magazines. Your need to "show" these muscle groups.


Include the following meas
urements with your audition photos.



Chest size:

Waist size:




Eye Color:

Hair Color:


For more information about fitness modeling; contact NorCalBodz Photography / NCB Model Management at:


NorCalBodz Photography / NCB Model Management

7485 Rush River Drive Suite 710-145

Sacramento, CA 95831

(916) 687-1629

E-mail: casting@norcalbodz.com



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Copyright 2007 - 2011 NorCalBodz.com All Rights Reserved All photographs by NorCalBodz Photography / NCB Model Management are protected by copyright law. No image may be used, edited, reproduced, transferred, published or distributed in any form or by any means whatsoever without prior written permission from the artist. Some images may appear from other photographer and NCB "thanks" the photographer for allowing them (NCB) to use the images and to promote the fitness model.   Keywords / labels: Top Male Fitness Models, Male Fitness Models, Fitness Models, Underwear Male Models, Underwear Models, NorCalBodz, NCB, NCB Model Management, NorCalBodz Model Management, Talent Manager, Fitness Model Manager, Fitness Photography, Model Management, Fashion Photographer, Male Fashion Model, Fitness Model, Underwear Model, Elite Male Model, Top Male Model, Bodybuilder, Bodybuilding, Bodybuilding.Com, Teen Bodybuilder, Teen Bodybuilding. Bodybuilding Male Modeling, Bodybuilder Male Model, How to Become a Male Fitness Model, Underwear Modeling, Male Physique, Model Mayhem, BeModel, Fitness, Workout, Male Models, Elite Male Models, Sacramento, Curve New York, Curve Nevada, Magic Nevada, Male Fitness Model Management, Posing Routine, Teen Posing Routine, Natural Bodybuilding, Kellan L., Calvin Klein Underwear, CK Underwear, Chiseled Male Photography, Chiseled Male, Model Mayhem Chiseled Male, Model Mayhem, BeModel, 2kmodels, Playgirl Magazine, Elite Fitness Models, Baskit Underwear, Aussie Bum, AAG, All American Guys, DMK Underwear, Sweat Underwear, Papi Underwear, Cin2 Underwear, Ian Daviau, Underwear Model, Bryan Patrick, Tory George, Logan Swiecki-Taylor, Jordan Preston, Erk Rossi, Matt McCaleb, William Price, Trevor Adams, Jason Borish, Ivan Scannell, Cody Deal, Dale Rowse, Vince Ramos, John Aiello, Erik Taylor, Jeff Grant, John K. Bleta-Aiello, Lupe Viscarra, Chris Dudot, Dale Rowse, Andy Catlin, Michael David B, Vince Ramos, Chandler Workman, Ryan Preece, Simon Rex, Warren Cuccurullo, Lee Pallender, Shane Callanan, Shane Callanan Nude, Shane Callanan Mattox, Danny Flanigan, Sean Parker, Jorge Luis DLC, Harijs Broza, AAG All American Guys Amazing Fitness Models Anthony Nuzzo BeModel Bend The Rules Bodybuilder Steve Firman Bodybuilders Bodybuilding Bodybuilding.com BodySpace Brandon Bass Brandon McCormick Brendon Villegas Nude Bryan McCulley Bryan Patrick California Models Christopher Miles Christopher Miles-Spafford DMK Underwear Eric Turner Exercise for Men Firmanator Fitness Magazines Fitness Males Fitness Model Fitness Model Casting Call Fitness Modeling Fitness Photography Football Player Greg Plitt How to become a male fitness model Indiana State Jake Risk Jamie Barnard Jason Borish Jay Cutler Jessie Godderz John K. Bleta-Aiello Jon Hazard Jordan Preston Joseph Johnson Kash Kiefer KCRA A List Keith Wiemer Logan Swiecki Logan Swiecki-Taylor Male Fitness Model Contest Male Fitness Model. Tory George Male Fitness Models Male Fitness Models USA Male Model Male Model Management Male Models Male Twins Man of the Year Men's Exercise Model Management Model Mayhem Model Steve Firman NCB NCB Model Management Nick Wolanski Nick Wolanski nude NorCalBodz NorCalBodz Photography Nuzzo Twins Peter Pagan Playgirl Magazine Rob Patrick Ryan Christiansen Sacramento Fitness Model Sacramento Fitness Models Sacramento Male Model Scott Herman Simon Rex Sports Model Stenson Christianson Steve Firman Teen Bodybuilders Teen Bodybuilding Todd Roberts Todd Sanfield Top Fitness Model Top Male Fitness Models Tory George Trevor Adams Twin Fitness Models twitter norcalbodz Tyler Sarry UK Male Fitness Models Underwear Model Underwear Models Vicent Nuzzo Wade Kirk William Price Zach Allen, Gavin Ford, Campus Hunk Model Search, Bodybuilding.Com, Teen Bodybuilding, Teen Bodybuilding Model Search, Male Model Underwear Model Search, College Male Model, Casting Call Male College Fitness Guys, Tyler Nash, NCB, UC Davis College Fitness Models, Open Casting Call Male Fitness Models, Sean Cody, Randy Blue, All American Guys, Mega Muscle, Men's Fitness, GQ, Details, Fit College Guys Model Search, College Guys Fitness Model Search, California Guys Model Search, Campus Hunks Model Search, College Studs Fitness Model Search, College Bodybuilders, College Hunks Across the USA Model Search

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